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...over-educated and under-experienced, or so they say...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Drain

The drains are clogged
and someone died today
another person loses their job tomorrow

I'm standing in the backup
now covering my ankles
And all that I keep trying to wash away
never gets past my feet

I stand and listen for the slow drain
I wait for it to slink away
but it still lingers around the soles
and all I can do is pat them dry
and accept the filmy residue that remains

The drains are clogged
and someone died today
another person loses their job tomorrow

I am stooped over the sink
washing my hands of it
staring at the filthy residue
that refuses to go down

The water pools in the basin
suds and spit from tooth and nail
It nauseates me!
This pool, this backup, this left-over
filth that just won't wash away!
And someone died today!
And someone else loses their job tomorrow!
And no one has time to give them
a proper sending or say a solemn farewell!
And someone else says they're too busy surviving
And someone else is convinced this is Hell.

The drains are clogged...
And someone should call the plumber.

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